Despite the business of being on holidays, wink wink, I managed to kick out a little pair of baby boy booties for a little guy…
thestorvestresmai 9, 2011

My latest crochet creation. It was a baptism gift so he got wings. :) (mer…)
thestorvestresmars 25, 2011

With my maternity leave winding down and the reality of the forty hour work week on the horizon I'm checking off my list of good…
thestorvestresfebruar 25, 2011

This is my newest yarn creation. It was a gift for a boy celebrating his second birthday. I think he liked it and didn't seem…
thestorvestresfebruar 21, 2011

Alpaca neck warmer This one felt good to finish because I love it and use it all the time. It feels amazing to make something…
thestorvestresnovember 13, 2010