...slurpee, pancakes, ninja turtles, wii, park, ice creem, sun, shoping, holidays and no hockey sticks... (mer…)
thestorvestresjuli 9, 2009

We had a nice, but the long trip over to Canada. When we finally arrived we had travelled for about 18 hours. Armas was very…
thestorvestresjuli 6, 2009

Mens jeg var i Trondheim på jobb i denne uken, benyttet jeg sjansen til å møte det nye medlemet av familien Sund. (mer…)
thestorvestresapril 16, 2009

I've been to Tallinn, Estonia for an week of work. Still I got an day to tourist around the city. Here's some of the shots…
thestorvestresfebruar 10, 2009