Eight months old and lots to report! You're personality is developing so much these days. You have new facial expression, moods and ways of letting…
thestorvestresfebruar 12, 2011

Seven months old! When you were a newborn, we were sure it was impossible to love anything more than we loved you at that moment.…
thestorvestresjanuar 12, 2011

Dear Marielle, You have been with us for a half year now and are becoming such a big girl! (mer…)
thestorvestresdesember 12, 2010

Dear Marielle, This month you have developed sooo much. You`re personality has really exploded out of the small helpless baby we brought home in June.…
thestorvestresoktober 12, 2010

Dear Marielle, You are three months old today! This past month has brought about some big changes in you. Your personality is becoming stronger with…
thestorvestresseptember 12, 2010